Purer, Brighter, Holier

Let Your True Self Shine

An Online Program to Change Yourself and the World for Good

The Method for Self Mastery

Find the answers to your questions and discover ancient tools for life today.

Our online program provides a deep understanding of who you are and why you’re here. It also offers step-by-step tools to put those insights into action. Through contemplative practice, audio and video lessons, archived and live coaching, and practical steps, you are guided to live your purpose and help others do the same.

Travel with like-minded seekers through The Method for Self Mastery.

The Truth is…The World Needs You!

“A twenty-year-old can dance the night away while his or her grandmother tires after a few minutes. But we were not created to dance for hours on end. Rather we were created to make life on earth purer, brighter and holier than it was before we came on the scene.”

That line is fuel for me. Not that I don’t love dancing. I do. But I get that our dance – as everything else in life – is part of a bigger picture and a huge calling.

The call to shine forth our light is becoming louder and louder.  The light of the world as it was meant to be.  The calling is bigger than who we are as individuals. The calling is the Why of self refinement. We work on ourselves because the most powerful impact we can make is to let our True Self shine. Because when you free your true self you liberate the whole WORLD.

You may not always be consciously in touch with this Truth but deep inside you know it. YOU have something to contribute to the world that is YOURS alone.

You may say to yourself, “Who, me?! Honestly, I have no idea how to access it.” I know – deeply – that you can access your most vital, alive and shining self!  You can get unstuck and serve in the most remarkable ways. And in all likelihood it’s not because of lack of effort if you’ve not experienced this gift but rather because you do not have a user friendly map to travel by.

Here’s the good news.

We were given the tools to access this light. They were hidden away in books that have been difficult to access. But no longer. The teachings are spreading outwards and I among many have devoted my life to sharing what was taught to me with the intention of helping others find the light – and be the light. 

The Method was created to give others access to these teachings. It is a remarkably simple program.  An accessible, relatable and systematic process that will enable you to shine your light outward and make the world brighter, purer, holier.

So…In case you are wondering, “Can this work for ME?” The answer is a bold, emphatic YES!!  Scholar or novice, seekers from all walks of life have experienced the transformation of The Method. What we all have in common is a yearning for truth and a passion to serve and make our world a better place.

I’m honored and excited to share the journey with you.


My intention in every audio file and course on our site, is to help you come home to your true self, create a meaningful and beautiful life and to bring more joy and holiness to the world.

If you’d like to taste The Method before you commit, go ahead and fill in the form below so I can send you the link to your free “Meet The Method” video. (No worries. We don’t do spam.)